Dua on the day of Arafah
Guidelines for pilgrims during Hajj
based on the lectures of Gabdurahman ibn Idris
on the day of Arafah
Guidelines for pilgrims during Hajj
based on the lectures of Gabdurahman ibn Idris
Dear pilgrim!
Remember: whatever you do during Hajj, the Day of Arafah is what you came for. For the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Hajj is Arafah”. So, whatever worship you are called to do, concentrate on the most important thing - be ready for the Day of Arafah. How thoughtfully and responsibly you use the six hours given to you by Allah for which you came to this blessed land will largely determine the true value of your Hajj.
Dear pilgrim!
Remember: whatever you do during Hajj, the Day of Arafah is what you came for. For the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Hajj is Arafah”. So, whatever worship you are called to do, concentrate on the most important thing - be ready for the Day of Arafah. How thoughtfully and responsibly you use the six hours given to you by Allah for which you came to this blessed land will largely determine the true value of your Hajj.
We offer you different dua in this notebook,
which you can add to or shorten as you wish, rephrase to suit you or use ready-made
Dua has its own rules and structure, according to which this notebook has been designed. The material presented in it is a kind of framework that will serve as a support for you to have a conscious and personal conversation with the Creator. The dua here are exemplary and act as a guide.
We offer you different dua in this notebook,
which you can add to or shorten as you wish, rephrase to suit you or use ready-made
Dua has its own rules and structure, according to which this notebook has been designed. The material presented in it is a kind of framework that will serve as a support for you to have a conscious and personal conversation with the Creator. The dua here are exemplary and act as a guide.
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As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, dear pilgrim!
After completing this book, I ask you to make Dua for those who participated in its preparation, publication and distribution. May their efforts be rewarded with Allah's mercy. May Allah accept your Hajj! May He accept and answer all your Dua!